Dear @AntiPD1ResponseDREAMChallengeParticipants , This is just a friendly reminder that we are now accepting writeups until **Friday, March 19th, 11:59 PM Eastern Time (8:59 PM Pacific Time)**! To be considered for consortium-level authorship, a writeup MUST be submitted, with the following requirements: * it must be publicly accessible. For more information on Sharing Settings, go [here]( * it must have a `src` folder within the Files tab that contains all of the source materials for your model(s), including the Dockerfile(s), source code, etc., as well as instructions on how to build and run your model(s). For more information on your writeup, go [here](!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607231). We also ask that you include all team members' full names, Synapse IDs, and affiliations at the beginning of the writeup. If you need help getting started with your writeup Wiki, refer to this [template](!Synapse:syn2351771/wiki/62369). For any other questions, please direct them to the Discussion Forum. Thank you again for participating in the Anti-PD1 Response Prediction Challenge! Best, @AntiPD1ResponseDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Verena Chung vchung
Oh, I saw it now. Thank you for coordinating this challenge!
Hi, I submitted a write-up and received an email says it was accepted. But I didn't see it on the submission dashboard after refreshing so many times? Thanks,
Dear @Michael.Mason , Thanks for your understanding, yes we can definitively describe the data as you suggest, and we'll find a name for it so it can be easily found and referred to once it will be made publicly available. Best, Alexis
Dear @Alexis_C , You don't need to include the data itself since it is non-sharable but if possible, please describe the dataset you used including all features that you are permitted to share. Things like size and cancer indication or other disease, data type(s), controls, etc. I would expect that at a minimum you could share the size and data type (e.g. expression array, RNA-seq, IHC staining...). Additionally, it would be great if the dataset had a name so that there would be continuity with any future publication that used it. I hope this helps, Mike
Dear @vchung , Our model uses sensible data we are not allowed to share, can we submit the code and public data, and just omit the non-sharable data for the writeup? Best, Alexis

Reminder: Now Accepting Writeups! page is loading…