Dear @AntiPD1ResponseDREAMChallengeParticipants , This is a friendly reminder that your writeup is due **this Friday, March 19th, by 11:59 PM Eastern Time (8:59 PM Pacific Time)**. You can monitor your writeup submission(s) on the Submission Dashboard [here](!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607232). To be eligible for consortium-level authorship, you must also complete the [Challenge survey]( **by next Monday, March 22nd**. Note that only one writeup and survey will need to be submitted per team. Thank you again for participating in the Anti-PD1 Response Prediction Challenge! Best, @AntiPD1ResponseDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Verena Chung vchung

Reminder: Writeups and Survey page is loading…