Hello Everyone, I am trying to download the synthetci data using the below code ``` syn = synapseclient.Synapse() syn.login(email="xxxxx@gmail.com", apiKey="1234") entity = syn.get("syn12345") files = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(syn, 'syn12345', path='./syn12345') ``` When I do this, I get the below error "[WARNING] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: You have READ permission on this file entity but not DOWNLOAD permission. The file has NOT been downloaded. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Can you help me understand what's the issue? I was able to download once earlier but not sure why doesn't it work now?

Created by ssmk S ssmk
Hi @thomas.yu , Yes, it works now. Shouldn't we use our synapse id to download the data? Thanks
Dear @ssmk, Can you try replacing that synapseid with this one: syn20685954? Best, Tom
Hi @thomas.yu , Please find the code that I used. I still get the same error. The welcome user is successful but I guess the issue is with the last line ``` syn = synapseclient.Synapse() syn.login(email="myemailidhere@gmail.com", apiKey="jasdhgjkasgksagfakjsgfkjsagfkjsagkjafkjasgfkjasgfkjsagkf") entity = syn.get("syn18405991") files = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(syn, 'syn18405991', path='./syn18405991') ``` Thanks
Dear @ssmk, Sorry for the inconveniences. Can you provide the exact commands you ran? There isn't actually a way to have access to the data folder that you would have READ permissions. If you can see the data folder in the Files tab, you will be able to download the data. If you can't see this folder, then you will need to register for the challenge Best, Tom
Hi @thomas.yu , I mean I tried already with my Synapse Id only. The code pasted here is just for an example. But yes, I did use the same code (replaced with my Synapse Id) which resulted in error shown above. Can you help?
Dear @ssmk , Can you paste the actual code you put, because `syn12345` is just a placeholder synaspe id. You would have to update that with the actual data's synapse ids by going to the Files tab. Try this: ``` syn = synapseclient.Synapse() syn.login(email="xxxxx@gmail.com", apiKey="1234") files = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(syn, 'syn20685954', path='./syn20685954') ``` Best, Tom

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