Hi, my model has passed the fast lane test, then I submitted it to the UW test. After the test is completed, I saw three files in the logs file, infe_log.txt, logs.zip, trainning_log.txt, and submission. Json, I wonder where to get the evaluation results of the model, such as AUROC. I also found another problem, in the dashboard, the submitted Prediction File Status is displayed as valid, but the Workflow Status is displayed as an error. After viewing the log, I found that the model works well and there is no error log.
Many thanks
Qiao Hezhe
Created by Qiao Hezhe QiaoHezhe Hi @strucka ,
Thanks @avati, yes that's correct. There is a known bug in the Synapse platform that is causing this. We have sent in a ticket to the Synapse support team.
I'll be email folks snippets of their log files with errors to help you debug your models.
Tim I had the same issue as reported in https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18405991/discussion/threadId=6222. This seems to be an issue/bug with the web app. However, as soon as the first successful submission was made, everything started looking OK and all the previous failed runs also started appearing on the dashboard. I am also seeing "Index: -1, Size: 24" on the UW submission dashboard. I submitted the model again, I saw the submission Workflow Status has already marked as "done". I received a log email, but when I opened the URL in the email, it prompted me "you are not authorized to access the page requested" .
There is no information about the model submitted on the UW submission dashboard , it shows "Index: -1, Size: 24" on "UW".
Thanks QiaoHezhe Yes, your submissions were submitted to run on the UW data. Can you see your submissions on the UW data on your submission dashboard? It looks like they timed out.
Tim in the main challenge submission dashboard the submitted Prediction File Status marked as "valided" , but the Workflow status marked marked as "error" like
Submision ID ####Cancel #### Created On #### Workflow Status ### Log Folder ### Prediction File status
##################### ########### ######## ERROR ############# ##### ##### VALIDATED
the submission from Main challenge that have prediction File Status as VALIDATED will submitted to run
on the UW data.
I want to know if it will be submitted in this case.
Thanks QiaoHezhe Hi @QiaoHezhe,
I'm not sure what happened, but your model was designated as VALIDATED but marked as INVALID. The pipeline at UW looks for the VALIDATED status, so your submission has been pulled into the UW environment and is being evaluated. You should see an update on your dashboard.