We are given some [docker images provisioned with data and Python or R](https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/nf-hackathon-2019) for quick setup for the challenge.
I haven't tried to dual-boot my Windows Home Edition PC to Linux. I can still run the docker images. Here is the path:
* Download [Docker Toolbox](https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_windows/). Note this is what works on Windows Home Edition. You need Windows Professional to run the more recent docker. But it's OK, it still works.
* Run the newly installed Docker Quickstart
* In Docker Quickstart, download one of the docker images listed on the GitHub, for example
docker pull nfosi/nf-hackathon-2019-py
* In Docker Quickstart, run
docker-machine ip
to get the IP address. Suppose it is 123.456.78.910.
* Run the docker image
docker run -p 8888:8888 nfosi/nf-hackathon-2019-py
It will tell you something like
[I 00:16:50.410 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 00:16:50.411 NotebookApp]
* Replace IP address with the string you wrote down in Step 3 (because Windows will probably be blocked for Docker). So something like
* Paste the modified URL into your Browser to get to the Docker image Jupyter notebook.
P.S. Once I looked at the notebooks running inside the Docker, then I looked at the GitHub, I realized that the shorter solution is just to run these notebooks directly in a local Python inside Windows: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/nf-hackathon-2019/tree/master/py_demos
Created by Lars Ericson lars.ericson Thanks, Lars! Hi Robert,
Please go ahead and add my instructions. I'm not using GitHub properly (I just download Zip files). I think I have to use GitHub client to enter a pull request. I will have to do some setup tonight for that.
Lars Hi Lars,
Quick note for others about your postscript - yes! This is a totally reasonable solution. The one advantage to the Docker containers is that they have all of the dependencies bundled, so you don't have to track some of the more obscure ones down.
By the way, do you mind if I add your Windows instructions to our GitHub readme (or, if you want credit on GitHub, can you file a PR against the repo adding these)?
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