Hi, Some of our team members signed up as remote participants a few days ago, but they are not currently listed on the Registered Participants page (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18666641/wiki/591034). Is that an issue? Thank you, Jeff

Created by Jeff Green jeff_green
Ok, sounds good, thanks!
Hi Jeff, I just sent invitations to all of these people to join this team: https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3389360 If they accept, they will show up on the "Registered Participants" list. Cheers! Robert
Thank you, here are their names and synapse aliases: Andreas Kramer: akraemr@synapse.org Jean-Noel Billaud: jean-noel@synapse.org Stuart Tugendreich: stugendreich@synapse.org Martin Jones: martin.jones@synapse.org Andreea Pasare: andreea_pasare@synapse.org Dan Shiffman: dshiffman@synapse.org
Hi there, we cross reference all the requests with the hackathon registration list from SVAI before accepting them to the team. There are a few people that we haven't been able to figure out who they are based on their synapse handle (e.g. name not in their profile). Can you send me their names and synapse aliases? Cheers, Robert
Thank you. They did steps 0 and 1 on that page. As a result, they now have a Synapse account that seems to work and they were able to join the team, but for some reason they don't seem to be listed on the page referenced above. Shall I ask them to do step 0 again?
Hey Jeff, This means they probably haven't registered on synapse/joined the hackathon participants team. To show up on this page they should follow the steps here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18666641/wiki/591026 Cheers, Robert

Some team members not listed as Registered Participants page is loading…