Hi, is it mandatory for every participant who submitted his docker, to prepare a presentation and present their method? Will there be any invited speakers from industry or university within the challenge organization?

Created by kkirtac
Yes, contrary to prior information, registration is not required to be eligible for an award. We still ask all teams to provide us with 2-3 slides introducing the team and the used method(s), videos are possible, but please keep it below 3 minutes. If a team is present at EndoVis, we will ask them to present their own method(s) otherwise the organizers will introduce the slides. As we cannot make any guarantees regarding internet coverage etc. online presentations will not be possible.
Regarding the [update](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18779624/discussion/threadId=5830&replyId=19638) from the ROBUST-MIS challenge team, so that the MICCAI registration will not be mandatory, will this be same for this challenge also? As an additional request and regarding the positive [reply](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18779624/discussion/threadId=5830&replyId=19640) we received on ROBUST-MIS forum , would there be a possibility of **online presentation** or **video show** of the presentation, considering the distance and possible visa problems?
We will show the results of all teams at EndoVis at MICCAI. Teams that are attending EndoVis at MICCAI will be asked to present there methods in a short presentation. Only teams present at EndoVis at MICCAI will be eligible for awards.
Hello, So, will all submissions be presented at EndoVis and will the organizer present all of them? and is it mandatory for every participant to attend EndoVis (register for MICCAI 2019)? Cheers, Nour
Hey, as stated in the rules, only a description of the method is required for each submission. While only submissions that will be presented at EndoVis will be considered for the awards, every team that submits something will be invited to participate in the final challenge paper. Cheers, Sebastian

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