sex: male,female assay: in vivo bioluminescence species: Mus musculus studyId: syn18904024 dataType: behavior process diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1 studyName: Optical dopamine monitoring with dLight1 reveals mesolimbic phenotypes in a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1. accessTeam: 273948 accessType: PUBLIC fileFormat: excel initiative: Independent isCellLine: No dataSubtype: processed resourceType: experimentalData fundingAgency: CTF isModelSystem: TRUE isMultiSpecimen: Yes modelSystemStrainNomenclature: 29T2/SvEmsJ::C57Bl/6NTacNf1+/+, 29T2/SvEmsJ::C57Bl/6NTacNf1+/-