According to the description in https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20366914/wiki/594742, the file CellLines.csv should contain the columns DREAM;COSMIC;CCLE;Marcotte;GDSC;Alternate but it contains the columns Cell Line Name;Source;Reference Number;Growth Medium;Growth Condition;GDSC;
You probably want to either upload the right file, update the description or, ideally, both.
Also using semicolon as a separator in a .csv file is a bit misleading ;)
Created by Fabian Froehlich ffroehlich Awesome, thank you! Dear All,
the file just got updated.
thanks for reporting the difference.
Attila Hi @ffroehlich,
thanks a lot for the heads up :) We will upload the right table soon and keep this thread updated!
I agree the semicolon is an annoying, however it depends on the computer used to generate the file... We will try to have them separated by commas though ;)