Hello Moderator, I have submitted the file with ID 9694189 with the name Raghava_SCS_India_R2_SC1.csv. It's been scored and the score is coming out to be "nan". We do not get what that means. Kindly elaborate. Thanks

Created by Sumeet Patiyal Sumeetpatiyal
Dear @Sumeetpatiyal , We have also re-ran your submission (9694189) so that you can get a more descriptive reason for the invalid submission. You should receive an email shortly. If not, please check that your notifications have been set to accept email notifications. Let us know if you have any other questions! Best, Verena
Dear Sumeetpatiyal, we observed this behaviour in cases where the first 6 columns of the template file were altered. For example, the fifth line of the template looks like glob_cellID|cell_line|treatment|time|cellID|fileID 5|AU565|EGF|0|3|59 but then in the submission, this line looks like: glob_cellID|cell_line|treatment|time|cellID|fileID 5|**EFM19**|EGF|0|3|59 the cell-line was changed by mistake. The scoring script relies on all the first 6 columns when it matches the submissions with the golden standard. Please make sure that the template's first six columns are not changed. best, Attila

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