Dear Organizer, Since I remember the webinar in Aug 20 mentioned "**in the final round, we will allow as many submission as you want...**" (start at 30:04 in the file "Single-Cell_webinar_aug20.mp4"), when I submitted my 4th result, I was told "Submitter has reached the limit of 3". Then I found in the Overview page it does say in the validation phase "Participants can submit a maximum of three scorable submissions". Can the limitation of the number of submissions be increased to 5 and keeping the original policy (only using the last one)?

Created by TW_No_1
Hi @TW_No_1 and all, The submissions limit for the Validation Phase has been removed - you can now submit as many times as you want. Best, Verena
Dear @TW_No_1, you are right, we will soon remove the limits on the number of submissions. best, Attila

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