Hello, I would like to access the data in order to try some models even if challenge is closed. However, it requires to register but this option is not available anymore (at least I couldn't find it). Is there another way to access these data ? Thank you very much, Ambistic

Created by Ambistic
Great to hear, thank you @attilagabor !
Dear @murphy17 the data is now downloadable from https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20564743. The gold standard will be added soon. Best, Attila
Dear Michael, there is an embargo period on the data that didn't allow us to open the access for the data (stated on main site of the challenge). The good news is that the paper will be published on the 30th of April (in 2 days) which will officially allow to open the data access. best, Attila
My research group is also interested in using this data. @attilagabor @vchung -- is there another way to access it? Thanks, Michael
Hi @Ambistic we started to work on a solution yesterday with @vchung. Please give us a few days to find the proper way. best Attila

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