Figure 2.png


Created By Corina Anastasaki Corina

Uuid: 9e76e9fb-4ee8-4419-a8a4-741ca489080b
assay: immunofluorescence
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn11374345
dataType: image
entityId: syn20398474
Component: ImagingAssayTemplate
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: Leveraging human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to determine the impact of patient-derived NF1 gene mutations on peripheral sensory neuron-driven Schwann cell growth
accessType: PRIVATE
fileFormat: png
initiative: Cutaneous Neurofibroma Initiative
dataSubtype: processed
nf1Genotype: +/-
nf2Genotype: +/+
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NTAP
isMultiSpecimen: Yes
reportMilestone: 2
isMultiIndividual: Yes
progressReportNumber: 2

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