Hi folks, In talking to the folks at UAB and exploring this issue a little bit more, it looks like there is a more extensive outage or permission error with the UAB service (http://ubrite.informatics.uab.edu/) that is hosting the 50-patient data subset. The paperwork we have in place with UAB indicates that we are not able to distribute the data, so unfortunately we cannot host the data on Synapse. Therefore, we will have to wait until this service is restored by UAB. I would not anticipate this being fixed over the weekend. I will post here when I learn more, and when the issue is resolved. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr
Yes, we will make all the changes we can do to improve the data quality. Thanks a lot.
Hi @allawayr, Thank you for those improvements in the data. Just to double-check, all this curation that you are doing on the 50x4 "public" training images, we can count on a similar curation being done on the "private" training images, and on the validation/test images as well, can't we? Otherwise, this might be a nightmare, as it would be equivalent to applying different pre-processing techniques to training/test data in a standard machine learning problem... Thanks! Adrian
Hi @RA2DREAMChallengeParticipants, Just a follow up from my previous email. The data contributors have identified some other adjustments they'd like to make to the data, so there may be an additional update to the dataset provided above. I will post on this thread if/when the dataset is updated. Thank you, Robert
Hi @RA2DREAMChallengeParticipants, This issue has been resolved. In addition, @dongmeisun has made some changes to the 50-sample subset based on comments on the forum and webinar. You can find an updated zip file here: `wget http://ubrite.informatics.uab.edu/ra2_dream/example_v2.zip` Please note that the new dataset is being distributed sas "example_v2.zip". The decryption password is the same as described on the Data wiki page.

50-sample dataset hosted on UBRITE (403 error) page is loading…