Correct me i am wrong, we need to have bounding boxes for each joint so that we can map a particular erosion score to a specific joint. But where does the role of segmentation come in? i mean how is it useful ? Is segmentation a must have in sub-challenge 2&3? Thanks

Created by decentmakeover
Thank you
Yes, that is correct - not a strict requirement for the challenge, but may be helpful or required if the method you choose/your implementation of a method needs this information.
okay ,Thanks for your reply.Just to be clear it is not a requirement for sub-challenge 1,2&3. Thanks
Segmentation could be helpful in that mapping process/to help your model more explicitly define which joint is which to assign scores. For example, one joint may be more susceptible to erosion than another (I haven't looked at this and don't know if it's true or not). It's not a strict requirement, you could hypothetically have a so-called gestalt model that is able to assign accurate joint scores based on overall patterns across an appendage.

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