Hi - I want to confirm if it is okay for the training images to be publicly visible? If we put the images into a public github repo for example, is there anything against it? Thanks.

Created by Keane Nguyen kn2465
Hello, The current terms of use for the data provided by UAB include the following requirements (read more [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20545111/wiki/597243)) >· These data are provided exclusively for use within the RA2-DREAM Challenge: Automated Scoring of Radiographic Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis. You further agree that you will not at any time attempt to download the data from the compute space provided during the Challenge. and >You must be registered to the challenge to access the data. Learn How to Participate Therefore, resharing of the data by any means (such as a public github repository) is not allowed. Thanks!

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