Hi all, I opened this thread because I keep having the submission issue. It might be just me but it seems my credential on docker.synapse.org server is not authorized. I successfully logged in to Synapse using "$ docker login docker.synapse.org", but failed to push the image. This is what I encountered, denied: requested access to the source is denied" I swear I have correctly followed the instructions given. I don't know what else I could try to upload my work. Is there someone who can help me out? Any comments or help would be much appreciated. Good luck on your challenge!

Created by Ted Yoon net13meet
Man, if i had just read this thread, it would have saved me days of work.
@net13meet glad to help. I see you in first place for erosion on [the leaderboard](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20545111/wiki/597246) now. Congratulations!
We managed to successfully submit the container. Thanks for the help! @lars.ericson @allawayr
@net13meet, Lars is correct, these log files are probably your best bet for diagnosing container issues. Looking at your most recent submission, the log file here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21606863 indicates that your container is missing a file that your model script is calling or the path to the file is not correct - check out the 5th line from the end of the logfile.
@net13meet the Docker run has a number of log files that you can download. They are on the [Docker Submit Queue page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20545111/wiki/601039). I had problems which I was able to debug by downloading and reading all the log files. It produces 3: stdout.txt, stderr.txt and logs.txt.
Seems like I successfully submitted to the RA2 Fastlane queue, but I ended up getting an email saying that my workflow job, (submission ID 9699353), has failed to complete. Here is the error message: etworks.org/tmp7n5hr5xa/wes_workflow.cwl#run_docker/predictions [0m [1;30mWARNING [0m [33m[step run_docker] completed permanentFail [0m [1;30mINFO [0m [workflow ] completed permanentFail [1;30mWARNING [0m [33mFinal process status is permanentFail [0m Is it saying that my container has a code error while predicting the RA score or is it just a docker error? I will further look into it but currently I have no idea why it shows up. Thanks!
Hi there, Please check again - I think we just had something set wrong on our end. You should be able to submit to the queue now. Please submit to the RA2 Fastlane queue first to validate your container doesn't come back with errors. Thanks!
Oh, last question: When I try to submit the docker repository , I don't see the right challenge I'm supposed to submit to: RA2 DREAM Challenge just like the video we were provided. What I can only see is Eval Q Test. Please check and let us know. Thanks!
Glad to help!
Now it worked. Such a lifesaver, thanks!
Ah, I see the issue now. You are trying to push an image to the main challenge project. You will need to create your own project to house the Docker image by going [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Profile:v/projects) and clicking on "Create a Project". Then, push your image to that project. If the Synapse ID of that project is syn29999999, for example, then you can build an image such as docker build docker.synapse.org/syn29999999:example and then push it using docker push docker.synapse.org/syn29999999:example
Here is the following: (base) ted@ted-G5-5587:~/docker$ docker push docker.synapse.org/syn20545111 The push refers to repository [docker.synapse.org/syn20545111] 38695551fccb: Preparing 247cc9811040: Preparing 2c5fb7082a6a: Preparing fa32afac9c08: Preparing a54eab1c1afa: Preparing fdc8f0805dc3: Waiting 585461875b43: Waiting 01e732ead93a: Waiting 05ba7edc0304: Waiting b03be5aa3ecc: Waiting cd9ca0bfbb76: Waiting 7d5adb32ae82: Waiting d69438371466: Waiting 789630e55637: Waiting 3f4c8c89729b: Waiting 5c813a85f7f0: Waiting bdca38f94ff0: Waiting faac394a1ad3: Waiting ce8168f12337: Waiting denied: requested access to the resource is denied Well, since this is the first time trying to upload the project, the case you mentioned above might not be my case. I also tried with different image name and its tag name. Let us know if there is something else we could try. Thanks!
Can you copy and paste the exact command you use and error message you get? Thanks! There's a bug we found recently where if you delete an image in the web UI, and then try to push a new version of that image (even with a different tag) after deleting the original, it will fail with the error message that you pasted above. Perhaps this is the case? If so, the solution is just to rename the image repository to something different.
Thank you for the comment. Sure, I have already passed the quiz about two months ago. Now I'm trying to pull the existing image using "docker pull docker.synapse.org/syn2545111", which seems to be perfectly working. Given that, it is not the authentication problem. What else could I try?
Hi there, are you a Certified User on Synapse? You can find out by going to https://www.synapse.org/#!Profile:v/settings There should be a green button that reads "Certification Quiz Passed". In order to upload data or docker containers to Synapse you must be a certified user. Let me know if this is the case and we can try and troubleshoot further.

Regarding image submission on Docker page is loading…