When we made a submission yesterday we only changed how we scored narrowing and overall damage, described as SC2 and SC1 respectively in the wiki. However when checking the leaderboard I noticed that instead it was our SC3 and SC1 scores that changed. I'm quite confident the error isn't on our end so perhaps SC2 and SC3 were accidentally swapped on the leaderboards? This could cause some confusion when teams are evaluating their performance.

Created by Dennis Svedberg sds
Turns out this requires a bit more work than I realized. We will get to this as soon as possible but it may not be today, apologies for any inconvenience. For now, please use the Leaderboard as the source of truth for your scores.
Gah! Thanks for the catch. Will fix that. We did not want to touch the scoring code mid-Challenge so we simply flipped the labels/columns on the leaderboard. I should have done that in the emails as well, but didn't think about that.
@allawayr We noticed in our latest submission that the email is still the other way round - it's a bit confusing at the moment - If possible it'd be great if you could change that as well and then confirm that sc2 is now narrowing, and sc3 is erosion - on both, the leaderboard and the emails Thank you!
Great job, Robert.
Hi @sds Thank you for catching this. These are indeed backwards. We'll send out an announcement, but basically, we'll change the description of the subchallenges to match what is currently displayed on the leaderboard. I'm the one that coded the scoring, so I take full responsibility for misunderstanding which subchallenge was which!
Thanks for the heads up, we'll double check whether this is configured correctly. Best, Robert

SC2 and SC3 swapped on leaderboard page is loading…