Hello, I'm bringing a new issue that I've encountered since the last server maintenance last night. Even if I pushed a new repository to new existing project (which is docker.synapse.org/syn21606504), I see no changes made on my project. Everything went through perfectly with my docker command (docker push ) and it seems the server already has my latest version of repository as the message shows: Layer already exists when I re-pushed. I thought it might take a little while to update but nothing has changed yet. Well It could be just me, but I wonder if there is someone else having a same problem or someone knowing the solution. Thanks! Ted.

Created by Ted Yoon net13meet
Now it shows back up on Synapse! I just submitted it onto the fast lane. Let us see how it goes.. Thank you for resolving the issue.
This issue has been resolved, please let me know if you continue to encounter this error!
Update - this is definitely a bug and our platform team is looking into what is causing it. As you implied in your original post, it looks like something about the latest release of Synapse may have broken this.
I retagged an image, and pushed it, and am getting the same issue as you - it doesn't show up on synapse. I am filing a bug with our platform team and will update you as soon as I learn more. In the meantime, I would be interested if others are experiencing the same thing? Thanks, Robert
Interesting, that's weird. Let me try on my end to see if i see the same problem.
Right. All the layers are identical to what's already in the server. I even tried with the same one with different tag name and it also doesn't show up.
Hi there, it's not clear what the issue is. When you push a new docker container, some of the layers can be unchanged. This is a strategy to save space/time for portions of containers that are identical to a previous version. Are all the layers returning this message?

Docker repository not being updated page is loading…