Following up on the end of [this thread](!Synapse:syn20545111/discussion/threadId=6919), here is what I have been reading about COVID-19. WARNING: I am not a doctor, these are not recommendations. Just what I've been reading. NY Times has some [up to date notes on COVID-19]( For people self-treating COVID-19 at home, these devices are cheap and good to have: * [Pulse oxymeter]( * [Spirometer]( * [Blood pressure monitor]( * [Boost oxygen canisters]( [Aerobic exercise]( prior to infection reduces complications. We often hear about people put on a respirator lying on their backs in an induced coma. This is often a fatal treatment. The lung area is mostly in back. COVID-19 is more like high altitude sickness than pneumonia. Field experience is to do oxygen therapy keep people standing and doing breathing exercises. If they are on a respirator, to expose more lung area, patients should be kept on their stomachs. * [Doctor at Queens Hospital in the UK advises on potential lifesaving corona virus breathing technique]( * [Oxygen therapy]( * [Position on stomach]( Many doctors recommend a combination of lower-dose hydrochloroquine and either azithromycin combined with zinc and vitamin C. * Science magazine has [this update]( * Anecdotal evidence is [here]( and [there]( * One [controlled study]( was negative. * Substitute [doxycycline or calithromycin for azithromycin in older patients]( * [High doses]( are counterproductive or [fatal]( [Convalescent plasma]( therapy is good if you can get it. Maybe horses can be used to produce the antibodies. [Auranofin]( is effective in reducing viral load. In case of [cytokine storm](, Actemra may be helpful * [Cytokine crash]( * [Actemra]( * [Immune system overreaction]( It takes a [long time to recover from COVID-19]( [Permanent damage]( may result, including [brain damage](, presumably as a result of oxygen deprivation. Symptoms of COVID-19 can include [fixing sensations](, [cutaneous symptoms]( and [toe bruises]( [Imaging studies]( show how the disease attacks the lungs. You can use Python to [gin up SIR models]( In terms of drug discovery and [vaccine development](, there are [many challenges to come]( after COVID-19 is solved. Scripps discovered a [binding site]( providing a nice target for [drug discovery]( My colleague @ikedim has produced a video showing [how to make a cheap and effective mask out of a T-shirt and a sheet of paper towel](

Created by Lars Ericson lars.ericson

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