Has the leaderboard been updated according to the new assigned scores ?

Created by Ariel Yehuda Israel arielis
@allawayr Thanks!
Hi @arielis, thanks again for the suggestion; we've split the leaderboards into pre-4/22 and post-4/22 to reflect the change in the data.
Thanks! @allawayr I understand the queue would stay open in the meantime
I think that is a reasonable suggestion - I'll confer with the challenge SC and we'll look into it further tomorrow!
@allawayr If you wish to keep the old scores untouched, my opinion is that you should open a new leaderboard, and keep the old scores as an archive Otherwise confusion could occur from scores computed with the new data intermingled with scores computed from the old data
No - according to @dongmeisun the images are unchanged (other than removing those two patients). Cheers, Robert
Thanks, besides removing UAB420 and UAB478, has anything changed in the images ?
To clarify, everything from the announcement onwards is scored using the updated leaderboard data.
Hi @arielis - no, for posterity we left the leaderboard scores untouched as they reflect the nature of both the training data and the leaderboard data. Let me chat with the SC for the challenge to see what they think about this, but my inclination is to leave the leaderboard as-is.

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