Hi, I am new to the challenge, could not trace if there is any deadline per submission ? Can you advise the same? Thanks

Created by Prachi Nagpal Prachi.Nagpal
This is correct. The Final round is on a different test set. You can use the leaderboard round to improve your models, but the evaluation is on the final round.
Hi @allawayr - How do the submissions per week until 14th May differ from the One Final submission between 14th May - 11th June ? Are the per week submissions for tracking our Leaderboard scores only? And the submission post 14thMay would be considered for evaluating scores? Thanks Prachi
Thanks @allawayr for clarifying. Regards
Hi here, That is correct, the final round closes June 11 at 5pm PT. The three subchallenges are different questions that use the same prediction file, so each submission will provide a score for all 3 subchallenges :) Thanks, Robert
Hi @allawayr Thanks for the response, however I am still not able to gain clarity by the following - Leaderboard Closes, Final Scoring Round Opens: May 14, 2020 Final Scoring Round Closes: June 11, 2020 My understanding here is the solution submission deadline is 11th June2020 and second though there are 3 subchallenges ; but there is no individual deadline of any of the 3. Please let me know if this sounds correct? Thanks
Apologies, sent the wrong link the first time. Please see here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20545111/wiki/594083
Hi there, Please see the timeline on the [main wiki page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20545111/wiki/594083). Best, Robert

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