Hi, We are a team from Columbia University. We are planning to use this data for teaching purposes next semester such as assigning a group project on it. Is it permitted for sharing the data with students? Also, we would like to further improve our methods for a journal paper. Is it permitted? Thank you very much.

Created by ruibai
@LouBridges Dear LouBridges, We were wondering whether we could use this dataset for teaching purpose like leaving a project with these data. Will it be allowed? Could you kindly let me know whether there is any restriction for students using this data? Thank you.
Hi there, @LouBridges is the person who can answer your first question. Regarding publication - yes, you are allowed to publish, with some criteria. Here's the DREAM publication terms from the [rules](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10144147/wiki/448310): >###**12. INDIVIDUAL TEAMS? PAPERS PUBLISHING TERMS** >If your Team submits a Challenge related preprint (to a preprint server) or paper (to a journal or conference) before the main Challenge Publication is published (see section 9), you agree to restrict your manuscript to describe only topics pertaining to your participation in the Challenge such as the methods your Team members have developed for the Challenge and your individual Team ranking in the Challenge; additionally, you agree not to report overall Challenge results or any analysis of the overall results as these will be included in the main Challenge Publication. When your manuscript is ready for submission, you agree to share it with the Challenge organizers who will review your manuscript within 2 weeks and approve that it is in compliance with the above rules. In the case that your manuscript is not in compliance with the rules, you agree to modify your manuscript accordingly. You agree to keep Challenge organizers informed about the review process of your manuscript. These restrictions are lifted once the Challenge Publication is online or in print.

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