Dear @RA2DREAMChallengeParticipants, We hope all is well! Thanks for participating in the RA2 DREAM Challenge! As a reminder, the requirements to be included in the ?RA2 DREAM Community? author list are to participate in the Challenge itself, submit code, submit a method write-up, and participate with follow up questions related to the Challenge overview paper. As part of the challenge summary process, we are collecting some structured information about the methods you developed for your final submission. This will help us make better recommendations to the community for future methods development, and help the community better understand the types of methods tested in this Challenge. We would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out this survey within the next two weeks (by Friday, February 26th). Please note: We only need one response per team, so please nominate a single representative from your team to fill out the survey. The form can be found here: Please do let us know if you have any questions, and thanks once again for your help with this process. All the best, @RA2DREAMOrganizers

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr
Hi there, Unfortunately, at present, the challenge organizers only have the ability to use this data for purposes directly related to the Challenge, and are unable to share it. See here:!Synapse:syn20545111/discussion/threadId=7339 Best, Robert
Dear RA2-DREAM Organizers, we have recently started a research on the RA recognition, could we get the Challenge data ?
Dear @RA2DREAMChallengeParticipants, This is a follow-up about the RA2 post-challenge methods survey - We would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out this survey by Friday, February 26th). Thanks to those of you who have already submitted! Please note: We only need one response per team, so please nominate a single representative from your team to fill out the survey. The form can be found here: As a reminder, the requirements to be included in the ?RA2 DREAM Community? author list are to participate in the Challenge itself, submit code, submit a method write-up, and participate with follow up questions related to the Challenge overview paper. As part of the challenge summary process, we are collecting some structured information about the methods you developed for your final submission. This will help us make better recommendations to the community for future methods development, and help the community better understand the types of methods tested in this Challenge. Please do let us know if you have any questions, and thanks once again for your help with this process. All the best, @RA2DREAMOrganizers

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