I am wondering if you have a sample code on how to work with data and tables. I saw you have provided an example for the previous challenge https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/PDBiomarkerChallenge I manage to download files? but how to work with files? if you can provide sample code, that will be very helpful ``` sensor_measurements_query = syn.tableQuery("select * from syn20681031") sensor_measurements_paths = syn.downloadTableColumns(sensor_measurements_query, "data_file_handle_id") # download data sensor_measurements = sensor_measurements_query.asDataFrame() # pandas DataFrame sensor_measurements['path'] = sensor_measurements.data_file_handle_id.astype(str).map(sensor_measurements_paths) sensor_measurements ``` ``` 1_1 1_DUMMY GeneActiv RightUpperLimb 1 1.429522e+09 1.429522e+09 syn18134137 36534127 c:/users/ghayt/.synapsecache/127/36534127/dumm... 2_1 1_DUMMY Pebble LeftUpperLimb 1 1.429522e+09 1.429522e+09 syn18134175 36534193 c:/users/ghayt/.synapsecache/193/36534193/dumm... 3_1 1_DUMMY Phone LowerLimbs 1 1.429522e+09 1.429522e+09 syn18134173 36534151 c:/users/ghayt/.synapsecache/151/36534151/dumm... 4_1 1_DUMMY Shimmer Back 1 1.429524e+09 1.429524e+09 syn18134169 36534119 c:/users/ghayt/.synapsecache/119/36534119/dumm... ```

Created by Ghayth Al Mahadin ghayth.mahadin
Thank you for your prompt response I am familiar with panda but I am not familiar with synapse tables and how to link the task scores with files And how to iterate files after downloading them using synapse tables As I see the example code in dream challenge and I am asking if there is similar sample code Apologies if my questions are silly but I am new to synapse and all machine learning and data science So I am looking for any help and guidance so that I can do some work And I have extracted features but from files that I have for few patients and every patient have UPDRS score But here every file has different scores based on time slot and task , so I need to extract these slots and the score of these slots
Hi Ghayth, I'm not sure what the scope of your question is. Are you asking how to read the files and extract features and/or train a model on the data? How familiar are you with pandas/python?

sample code to download and work with data ? page is loading…