I notice that some patients, particularly day 4 are NaN, as an example check LDOPA_DATA » Pebble » patient9 » rawData_Day4.txt [patient9_Pebble_rawData_Day4.txt ](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20681312) may I know if the missing data in data collection or only I am facing this issue? timestamp|Pebble_X|Pebble_Y|Pebble_Z|Pebble_Magnitude 1429142399.99655| NaN| NaN| NaN| NaN 1429142400.01655| NaN| NaN| NaN| NaN 1429142400.03655| NaN| NaN| NaN| NaN 1429142400.05655| NaN| NaN| NaN| NaN 1429142400.07655| NaN| NaN| NaN| NaN

Created by Ghayth Al Mahadin ghayth.mahadin
@ghayth.mahadin We went back to the study authors and found that the file provided to us was incorrect. We've since uploaded the correct file (though it still has some NaN values).
The issue seems to have originated in the data collection process. A "corrected" version provided to us still contains missing values, but I will follow up about the file you linked to in case there is a possibility of recovering the data.
any updates, please? thank you in advance for your help and support
We are looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an answer.

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