Hello, I was interested to know where I could find the scale used for Part 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the UPDRS Scores shown on the metadata for patient onboarding. I was referring to this website: https://www.theracycle.com/resources/links-and-additional-resources/updrs-scale/, but it seems like the max scores for some of the categories didn't line up to what I was seeing in the data. Thanks in advance!

Created by Anagata Anand annieanand
Ah, I see! Thanks very much that helped a lot.
According to the updated UPDRS from the Movement Disorder Society, Part 1 consists of 6 questions, so a maximum score would be 24: https://www.movementdisorders.org/MDS-Files1/PDFs/Rating-Scales/MDS-UPDRS_English_FINAL_Updated_August2019.pdf.
Yes, that looks similar to the one I was referencing as well, thanks! My question was for example on the metadata onboarding tables, there are categories like updrs p1, p2, and so forth. If you look at updrs p1 for example, the first cell is "24". However, when looking at the sub category 1 ( UPDRS Subscale 1: Mentation, Behavior, and Mood) , it seems like the max for it would be 16 (4 from Intellectual impairment, 4 from thought disorder, 4 from Depression, and 4 from Motivation and Initiative) . Just wasn't sure why that was the case.
Can you be specific about which categories you're seeing misalignment? I'm not familiar with the reference you shared, but this is the published UPDRS: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2897716/. If you are still seeing misalignment we can question the data generators about any non-standard questions that they may have included.

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