Hi, I notice that the depths of tips in subchallenge are not identical. Does it mean that some cells would stop the division under certain mutation combinations? I am curious about how the stop of division is modeled during the simulating process. Thank you so much! Best, Da Kuang

Created by Da Kuang da-kuang
Hi Da Kuang, Good spotting! The data in subchallenge2 has been simulated in a 2 step process. First the lineage tree is simulated, where cells can divide with a certain probability until they reach X number of cells. The end tree is not ultrametric, so the depths from the tips to the root are not equal. Then these simulated trees are used for simulating the CRISPR recorder on top of them. So essentially the cell divisions and mutation accumulation are simulated separately. I hope this answers your question. best, Irepan Salvador

subchallenge 2: The depth of tips page is loading…