Hi Dear Organizers, I have submitted once to subchallenge 3 on Jan 10th and still didn?t see it appear on leader board. Is the that where I should seek for the results? Currently I can only see two scores from the organizers. And also is Jan 15th the deadline for the last submission? Thank you!

Created by Hanrui Zhang rayezh
Submissions are january 31st you can see in the main page and [News and Update](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20692755/wiki/597061) section I also sent today an email to all participants. thanks Pablo
Just saw it. Thank you! @v.chung
Dear @rayezh , Apologies on the delay with updating the leaderboard. I have updated the page to show all weekly rankings; you can check your results for SC3 [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20692755/wiki/597060). Thank you for participating in the Challenge! Best, Verena
May I ask what the final date is for all submissions? I haven't been able to find this date.
Hi, as you are probably aware, the leaderboard for SC3 is only an intermediary one with about ~6k cells tree and there is a different dataset for the final ~10k cells test set. It is already available in [the data description page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21490663). You can submit to the intermediary leaderboard until the end but have only 5 submissions. Your score will be published soon. thanks for your participation.

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