@BEATPDDREAMChallengeParticipants - It has come to our attention that in some cases, the REAL-PD smartwatch files contain data from multiple devices, sometimes overlapping each other. This issue affects both the smartwatch accelerometer and gyroscope files. We are actively working with the curators of these data to remedy the situation. In the meantime, you may wish to hold off on working with the REAL-PD data until we have an update in place. Another issue of note: the accelerometer measurements from the two studies are reported in different units. CIS-PD accelerometer readings are reported in gravitational units. REAL-PD accelerometer readings for both smartphone and smartwatch are measured in m/s^2^.

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts
@sieberts I think that that would be a good idea. Thanks!
@lauremoro- Given that the data were re-released on Wednesday, that gives 2 weeks before the close of the first intermediate round, and 8 weeks prior to the final submission deadline. My feeling is that 8 weeks is sufficient time. Understanding that participation in the intermediate rounds is completely optional, would pushing the deadline for the first round back to March 18th allay your concerns?
Hi @sieberts, The analysis of the data can lead to different approaches. If we still don't have one of the corpora it seems a little too much to push for a first deadline which is a few days from receiving the data. If the challenge aims to steer research to advance deeper understanding of the data, maybe you should move the deadlines.
@sieberts I think it would make sense to push back the first submission deadline, while keeping the other deadlines the same.
@juliezhu7358- We can discuss that. I personally feel like you'll still have plenty of time before the final submissions are due, and postponing the final deadline is not ideal. However skipping the first intermediate scoring round, or pushing it back is a definite possibility. We're happy to hear feedback from participants on the topic. Solly
you are planning to postpone the deadline for the submission?

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