To make sure that I am understanding correctly, could you please help me to clarify that: "A team can submit and update the prediction (.csv file) multiple times prior to the deadline, and only the last one is scored on the Test set. The result (score + ranking) will be provided by the deadline of each round"? Thanks

Created by Hoang Trung-Hieu trunghieuhoang
Just predictions. Write-ups are only necessary for final submissions.
Thanks for the information. I have another question about the submission. Can you please let me know if write-up is needed in the intermediate round or just the predictions? Thank you!
@SakshiS- Participation in the intermediate rounds is strictly voluntary, and is simply a mechanism to provide you feedback, should you want it. You may participate at any point that you wish, but only your final submission (and write-up, code, etc) is a strict requirement.
Hello, Regarding the submissions, is it compulsory to submit the predictions for sub-challenges in each round or can we choose to submit them in the later rounds? Thanks!
To add to Solly's answer, you will receive this information via email.
@trunghieuhoang That is mostly correct. You may update your submission (resubmit) as many times as you wish, but only your last submission will be scored. The result provided during the intermediate rounds will only be the ranking and an indicator of whether you have outperformed the baseline model. You will _not _be provided the actual score. These results will be reported back following the close of each round, likely the next day to give us time to verify the results.

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