Participants- We have released the updated REAL-PD sensor files. If you downloaded them prior to Feb 26th, you'll likely want to download the updated files, which have additional annotation as to the ID of the device from which the measurements were captured (smartwatch only). The file locations are: [Training Sensor Files]( [Ancillary Sensor Files]( [Test Sensor Files]( These links have also been updated on the Data Download page. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts
@AdonayNunes - If there are interleaving measurements from two different devices, this is indicative of them wearing both of their smartwatches at once. They may be wearing them on the same or on different arms, as it was up to each subject the arm on which they wore their device(s), and that information was not annotated.
Could you please clarify why some real smartwatch recordings in the training and testing set have interleaved two device recordings? Where they wearing two smartwatches? one in each arm? Thanks

Important Announcement: REAL-PD Sensor Files Updated page is loading…