Whenever I am trying to submit my prediction as a team, I am getting an error stating, "No registered teams were found". But I already registered myself in a team.

Created by Abhiroop Kumar abhiroop.kumar
Hi @abhiroop.kumar , I've marked all your individual submissions as INVALID, so you may now submit as either a team or individual. If you would like any submissions you've already made to be considered for scoring during the next round please submit them again. Although -- the usual rules apply in that only the most recent submission for each subchallenge is considered during scoring.
@abhiroop.kumar I'll look into what can be done, but this limitation is hard wired into the submission system.
Hi @sieberts , I understand, but I posted my concern here even before submitting any file. I also created a Synapse Project as BEAT-PD DREAM Challenge . We have been working in a team since the very beginning , can you please consider it as an exception?
@abhiroop.kumar Unfortunately, once you submit as an individual, you can't submit as a team.
Hi @sieberts / @phil , In the first round, I was unable to register my team for the challenge so I submitted using my name. Can I submit the prediction files as a team from the next round? Thanks, Abhiroop
Thanks @sieberts ! I didn't realised that my team was registered... Regards, Renata
@RenataRetkute - We see you as the manager of a team that is already registered: https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3383488. I'm not sure you can register more than one team.
@RenataRetkute We are looking into this problem.
Hi @phil, i can't register my team, and i am the team leader... When i click "Register Your team" i have window with "- No teams found" message.
That's right, only the team leader is able to register a team for a challenge.
I completed the first two steps but I am unable to register the team for the challenge. Does only team leader have this permission?
To elaborate on that you need to follow 3 steps: 1. Register yourself for the challenge. 2. Join a team. 3. Register the team for the challenge.
Hi @abhiroop.kumar , You will need to register your team for the challenge first: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20825169/wiki/600900

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