@BEATPDDREAMChallengeParticipants - In light of the disruptions to many peoples' lives and working situations, we have decided to extend the final deadline of the challenge by 3 weeks. The final submission deadline is now **May 13th**. For those who are interested, we will include a 4th intermediate round, with deadline April 22nd. Final submissions including code and write-ups are due 3 weeks later on May 13th, however you may submit these materials anytime between now and then. Please let us know if you have any questions about these changes.

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts
Thanks @sieberts for clarifying. Regards
@Prachi.Nagpal - Yes, participation in the intermediate rounds is strictly voluntary, and is not a requirement for challenge participation. Requirements are: (1) prediction submission(s), (2) write-up, (3) reproducible code.
Hi, I am new to the challenge. Couldn't get clarification on the submission deadline vs intermediate ones. As a new joiner , if I haven't submitted earlier; am I still eligible for the same on 13th ? Thanks

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