@BEATPDDREAMChallengeParticipants Challenge Participants- This is a reminder that final submissions are due May 13th by 5pm PDT. Due at that time are: 1. Predictions for each sub-challenge in which you choose to participate 2. Methodological writeup explaining your approach 3. Reproducible code with documentation The bar for reproducibility means that the code is runnable by a second party with minimal debugging or clarifying correspondence with the authors. Code must contain all processing steps, and must be runnable from the originally provided data with no or minimal configuration. It must produce the exact (or within a very small margin of error) predictions submitted to the leaderboard. Including detailed running instructions is strongly encouraged. If multiple processing steps/tools are required, each should be documented. Prize money allocation will be contingent on these requirements. All participants who provide all 3 required elements will be eligible for Consortium Authorship on the challenge manuscript. We will also run a Community Phase following the close of the challenge. Top performers will be invited to participate in the Community Phase, and contingent on participation, will be eligible for named authorship on the manuscript according to their contribution. Instructions for submission of all required elements are listed on the challenge website ([for predictions](syn20825169/wiki/600906) and for [writeups/code](syn20825169/wiki/600907)). Please use the discussion forum to contact us about any questions or issues. As always, it is a good idea to start your submission process early to allow time to resolve any technical issues that may arise. Best of luck, The BEAT-PD Challenge Organizers

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts
@BEATPDDREAMChallengeParticipants - Just a reminder that today is the deadline to submit your final predictions, along with your write-ups and code. Submission queues close at 5pm PDT. Please give yourselves plenty of time to avoid any last minute technical problems.

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