@BEATPDDREAMChallengeParticipants - I noticed that the validation email you receive upon submission states that you will receive your rank and an indicator of whether your model outperformed the Null Model. This information was from the intermediate rounds, and is out of date. We will not be sending out private emails about final submission ranks. Instead we will be posting the full scoreboard results after we have validated them (approximately 2-3 weeks). We will send an email to all participants when this information has been posted. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts
Thank you @larslau. We will be in contact if that is necessary.
Thanks for clarifying. Some of the features used in my models were quite computationally intensive (hundreds of CPU hours). If it would be more convenient for you, I could also upload the features so you do not have to re-run that part of my code. Let me know if that would be helpful.
@larslau - This process involves replication of results as well as statistical comparison between models, and is labor-intensive process. We will notify you when we release final score statistics.
Hi Solveig Can you explain what the process is and why it takes 2-3 weeks? I think it would be nice to know the rank of my submissions and whether they outperformed the null model - even if this information may change depending on my and other submissions being validated. And can you share how many submissions there were in the final round?

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