Hi, May I have more information about AUC for drug sensitivity? For example: * What's the response value in the dose-response curve, cell viability or percentage inhibition? * Which model was used to fit the dose-response curve? * Is it possible to provide the algorithms which were used to generate the AUC? Thanks

Created by Shuyu Zheng shuyu
Dear Alina, I believe you are correct. In other words, I believe it corresponds to using the auc(x, y, type="linear") in the MESS package. Best, Jacob
Hello Jacob, In the paper, it is written : ?A ?curve-free? AUC (integration based on fine linear interpolation between the 7 data points themselves)... '. Does this mean that AUC is calculated using the composite trapezoid rule: AUC is computed using linear interpolation for two vectors where one corresponds to the dose values and the other corresponds to the response values? Similar to auc (e.g. MESS package) function in R? Thank you in advance! Best Regards, Alina
Dear Shuyu, I'll direct you to the Methods section of *[Functional genomic landscape of acute myeloid leukaemia](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0623-z)* (Tyner et al, 2018), specifically the section titled *Ex vivo Functional Drug Screen Data Processing*. Let me know if that doesn't answer all of your questions! Best, Jacob

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