Found this, Does it mean that docker image should be less than 6 GB in size? Thanks

Created by Qiang Gu qiagu
@qiagu, Great! I'm glad things are working now. If you come across any other issues, please let us know! Best, Verena
@v.chung , It works. Thanks a lot!
@qiagu , I checked your docker image size - it shouldn't have been a problem. I did try something and have re-ran that submission (9698670) - did you receive any updates on that? And for future reference, we limit the docker image sizes to < 10G. Hope this helps! Verena
@v.chung , Thanks for addressing the issue. Submission 9698670, which contains the full model, still failed. It seems the size of docker image matters. Do I need to limit how large my model is for future submission? Thanks!
@qiagu, Apologies, that is an error our end. A temporary fix has been put in place and I have re-ran your submission (9698600). Let me know if you have not received notifications for it yet! Best, Verena
Dear Verena, Thanks for your answer. It completely makes sense. However, I got couple of errors, something like ```404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image:```. Do you have idea what happened behind? Sorry, I'm pretty new to docker and dream challenges. Thanks, -Qiang
Dear @qiagu, Thank you for participating! The 6G `mem_limit` is the amount of processing power we are allocating for your Docker image. Best, Verena

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