i have submitted subchallenge 1 log id 9698643 2 hours ago, However, no mail was sent and only a log ID was displayed on the dashboard.

Created by Sanghoon Lee SanghoonLee
Hi @SanghoonLee, I responded to your team submission request in the relevant thread [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20940518/discussion/threadId=6800). Best, Verena
@v.chung hi, i can't submit as a team. can you check it? best sanghoon
@raghvendramall and @exquirentibus, Thank you for the notice! I checked the server; looks like things are up and running again. Let me know if you still don't see any progress. Best, Verena
yep. I have 2 submissions that have not been scored yet a few hours ago
@v.chung : Seems like another interruption happened. Can't get workflow status for another model submitted, just few minutes ago. Regards, Raghvendra
@gasimomitis and @raghvendramall , Looks like another service interruption has occurred this weekend. I have restarted the server so you should be receiving notifications shortly. Best, Verena
@v.chung I have submitted several jobs yesterday after midnight but the workflow status has not been generated. Is the docker server out? I also see that the last evaluated model was 12:35 after midnight. Any help would be great. Regards, Team Resham
Dear BeatAML DREAM Challenge team. I have encountered the same problem. Just submitted for sub challenge 1 but no workflow has been generated. I haven't received any email as well. Best, George
Dear @SanghoonLee, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! It seems our services were disrupted over the weekend and did not start up again. I have re-started the queues, so you should be receiving the notifications shortly. Best, Verena

docker server out? page is loading…