Hello, Please, I used the categorical variable finalFusion to create my model, but submitting the docker gave me the error the variable does not exist in the dataset. Are all training variables available and with the same name? Best regards, Tiago

Created by Tiago Chedraoui Silva tiagochst
This problem happened to me as well. So i excluded final fusion
Hi Tiago and Bogdan, @v.chung just checked on the leaderboard dataset, and we don't see any problems on our end. I submitted a test run that used the finalFusion field, and it finished successfully. If you still have the error, could you share the log files or ID of your submission? Best, Jacob
Just to note that we encountered the same error with the finalFusion parameter if it is a useful info. The code for accessing the file is fairly simple ``` clinical_cat = pd.read_csv("/input/clinical_categorical.csv").set_index("lab_id") ``` Best, Bogdan
Hi Tiago, I double checked, and finalFusion should be there under the same name, I don't have any problem accessing it. Can you paste the code you're using to access the clinical_categorical.csv file? Best, Jacob

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