I submitted several version of subchallenge1. In case of failed one , system return error msg in logs.txt file. But, some of them return empty logs.txt of even didn't return logs.txt file and return only logs.zip. In logs.zip, there are only stderr from docker system so that I cannot know whether my code have bug. Can anybody tell me the reason of this? How can I fix it?

Created by Minseong Park minspark
Dear @minspark , Thank you for participating! Usually, when a *_log.txt is not returned, it is due to a failed Docker container run. One way to counteract this issue is to do a local container run to ensure the model is working as expected. An example Docker run can be found [here](https://github.com/Jacoberts/beataml_example1#to-run-your-model-on-training-data). However, a submission can also fail when its image is very similar to a previous submission, in which case, I recommend waiting for some time before submitting again to help alleviate this scenario. Hope this helps! Verena

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