Hi, My team has a failed submission due to the following reason: "Missing 7850 row(s) in submission". We have populated the "predictions.csv" with the lab_id of the training set. I think my team should be populating the file with the lab_id of the latest dataset now?

Created by Kenneth Goh ken89
@raghvendramall and @vladimir.kovacevic, Thank you for the notice! I have since made a patch and things should be working smoothly now. If not, please let me know. Best, Verena
We are getting the same error: This might be relevant: ``` score_sc2.py: error: the following arguments are required: -t/--trainingdata ```
Dear @v.chung , I have been trying to submit jobs to test some models at leaderboard for subchallenge 2. I keep getting a workflow failed error, even though I submit the same model as I used during the leaderboard phase. The error that I get is: STDERR: 2020-03-08T13:09:27.805259672Z c6dbcff6b72a 2020-03-08 13:09:27,805 MainThread WARNING toil.leader: kind-file_var_lib_docker_volumes_workflow_orchestrator_shared__data_3d2cc114-d8b9-40d6-aac4-40115b405eeb_CTD2-BeatAML-Challenge-master_score_sc2.cwl/instance96a09hft ("Error collecting output for parameter 'results':\nCTD2-BeatAML-Challenge-master/score_sc2.cwl:36:7: Did not find output file with glob pattern: '['results.json']'", {}) Any help would be great. Regards, Raghvendra
Dear @ken89, Thank you for participating! > I think my team should be populating the file with the lab_id of the latest dataset now? That's right! > Will we get our score for that current valid submission? If you submit to the leaderboard phase queues, you will receive the scores back in a follow-up email. However, please note that because we are now in the Validation Phase, your scores will **not** appear in the leaderboard [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20940518/wiki/600158). If you instead submit to the validation queues, your submissions will be scored, but you will not get those scores back. Best, Verena
My team managed to make one valid submission now. Will we get our score for that current valid submission? Thanks!

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