HI, I am trying to push my docker images in my Ubuntu envrionment. But I keep getting "x509:certificate signed by unknown authority" I am a certified user. Can someone assist? Thanks

Created by Kenneth Goh ken89
@aljoshoh, Thank you for the update!
Hi Verena, While pushing my image, i get: "denied: requested access to the resource is denied" Running with a minimal example, i.e. without copying the models into the image, I can successfully push. Could this have to do something with the image size ? The minimal example has 1.5G instead of 6.5G. Thanks for your help ! [EDIT: SOLVED] by renaming the tags for the pushed images
@ken89, Hm, this may be an issue outside of Synapse. Is this a new instance you are running? Perhaps the environment is using an outdated certificate (rather than the latest one), in which case, you can try looking at the solutions [here](https://success.docker.com/article/i-get-x509-certificate-signed-by-unknown-authority-error-when-i-try-to-login-to-my-dtr-with-default-certificates). Or maybe the version of Docker it is using is outdated? The version I am currently using is 19.03.5. I apologize for not being able to help further! Verena
Hi Verena, Yes. I am a certified user trying to push docker images in an Ubuntu environment.
Hi @ken89, Are you still experiencing this issue? Even after logging into `docker.synapse.org`? Let me know! Verena

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