Hi Officer, I have just uploaded the subchallenge 2 on leaderboard, "docker.synapse.org/syn21761557/subchallenge2", but it has error. From the log, is it because that I could not use h2o.init(), which means I could not use h2o package in the competition? I could run it locally. Thanks!

Created by Yan Chu sbmi_team2020
Hi @aljoshoh , Thanks for your advise, I could get the result from their docker. I didn't meet with the type of error you met.
Thanks for response, Let me try add ip=" " to see what will happen.
Hi @sbmi_team2020, I have a similar issue than you ! I can partially solve it by: ``` h2o.init(ip = "") ``` Appearently, the default "localhost" does not exist. **However even after doing that** I get a rather strange error in the middle of the process (while locally it runs smoothly): ``` Error in .h2o.doSafeREST(h2oRestApiVersion = h2oRestApiVersion, urlSuffix = page, : Unexpected CURL error: Empty reply from server Calls: h2o.loadModel -> .h2o.__remoteSend -> .h2o.doSafeREST ``` Do you have a similar error ? [EDIT] As a remark, the local h2o session does not require an internet connection, I tested it locally offline and it ran through successfully.

h2o package has error running. page is loading…