Dear @CTDsquaredBeatAMLDREAMChallengeParticipants, We are extending the challenge by two weeks - the validation phase will now end on **Wednesday April 1 at 5PM PST**. Thank you all for participating; we are very excited to review your models! Stay well, CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge Administrators

Created by Jacob Roberts Jacoberts
@YYYYYYz, Great! Let us know if you come across any other problems.
@v.chung Thanks! It works! Best, Ian
@YYYYYYz, Sorry about that! Can you try again and let me know if your team is still unable to submit? You should be able to submit one (successful) submission per day until the challenge end. Best, Verena
Hi, @v.chung Thanks for the reply! I try to resubmit the model and there is a **checkbox for the validation phase **now! **However**, it says "team XXX already** reach submission quota**". So, is there a **limitation** that one team can only submit **one model **to the validation phase(sub-challenge 1)? What if I wish to change the model? Thanks! Best, Ian
Dear @YYYYYYz , Apologies for the delayed response! Can you try again and see if you are now able to see the Validation Phase queues? Best, Verena
Thanks for the extension! I tried to submit my model to the validation phase on **Mar. 17**, but I **can not find the checkbox of the validation phase**. there are only the checkboxes to the leaderboard phase. Is there any suggestion? Best, Ian

Timeline Extension: Validation round now ends April 1 page is loading…