Hi dear Synapse team, I'd like to ask do we need to open another Synapse project to submit the model for another SC? Or do we just need to submit the docker to SC2, and combine the two write-ups in one wiki page? Thank you, Ruibo

Created by Ruibo Zhang ruibzhan
Thank you Verena. Yes this is what I was looking for.
Dear @tttt, You may use a single Synapse Project to hold both subchallenge Docker models. Be sure to give your models different names so that one does not overwrite the other when you push them up into your Project. For example: `REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ` `docker.synapse.org/syn123/sc2_model v1 ghijkl 9 days ago 2.24GB` `docker.synapse.org/syn123/sc1_model v1 abcdef 2 weeks ago 2.23GB` With respect to submitting to a subchallenge, please submit just the Docker model, not the Project. Hope this helps! Verena

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