Hi @v.chung our image have a 10 GB. while docker pushing, retrying is repeated infinitely after completing pushing 10.2 GB of image. Why is this happening? but it well done about 5GB size image.

Created by Sanghoon Lee SanghoonLee
@SanghoonLee , I will follow-up with you in an email shortly.
@v.chung I didn't know there were such constraints. If you're okay, could you give me time to reduce the size?
@SanghoonLee , After speaking with our Platform team, it seems that there is an upper size limit unfortunately, around 10Gb (including system dependencies).
@v.chung If you can't excuse me, can you tell me what's going on? thanks sanghoon
@v.chung thanks to reply. The latter. it restart automatically after hitting the 10.2GB mark. i command docker push docker.synapse.org/syn21553240/dmis_sub1_final:best_model
Hi @SanghoonLee, Do you get any Docker errors while pushing, or does it restart automatically after hitting the 10.2Gb mark? EDIT: can you also share the command that you used?

why docker push recursively retrying about model bigger than 10GB? page is loading…