Hi, @Jacoberts Do I need to write up for each sub-challenge? I only ask because there is only one write up submission. And when is the write up deadline? Thanks. sanghoon

Created by Sanghoon Lee SanghoonLee
Dear Team Resham, It will go out early next week. Best, Jacob from the BeatAML DREAM Challenge Team
@Jacoberts @v.chung , Where can we find the link to the survey which is necessary to be fulfilled? Regards, Team Resham
@SanghoonLee , Your question has been answered in another post [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20940518/discussion/threadId=6990&replyId=22379).
@Jacoberts Thanks for reply. We thought deadline was yesterday and wrote and submitted wiki pages 1,2 respectively. Can we re-submit until the new deadline? thanks. sanghoon
Dear Sanghoon, Thanks for asking. You should have one write up per team. Within, you can address your solutions to SC1 and SC2. The deadline is two weeks from today, on May 19 - more about the timeline in a [recent announcement](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20940518/discussion/threadId=7033). Best, Jacob from the CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge Team

question about write up submission page is loading…