Dear @CTDsquaredBeatAMLDREAMChallengeParticipants, Thank you for participating in the CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge! You've all done amazing work. The last step is to document your submission. In the next two weeks please submit a write up through Synapse. You'll also be receiving a survey shortly, asking you about your team and modeling choices. Once all write ups are submitted and we've had a chance to look them over, the challenge winners will be announced. The top performing teams for SC1 and SC2 will be invited to collaborate with the CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge organizers as byline authors to develop the flagship Challenge manuscript. All participants in good standing according to the [Challenge Rules](!Synapse:syn20940518/wiki/600162) will be acknowledged by name as members of the 'CTD2 BeatAML DREAM Challenge Community' which will be included in the authors list. Individuals will be indexed as "Collaborators" by PubMed. Note that you need to complete the write up and survey to be eligible for consortium level authorship. Timeline: 5/19: Write up & survey due 5/27: Winners announced, final scores released See [the wiki](!Synapse:syn20940518/wiki/600167) for more details about creating your write up. Of note, please include any external datasets / databases you used, feature engineering and ML approaches, and notable software packages. Also please include the members of the project, as well as affiliations (", , , , , " - use ";" to separate multiple institutions). Best, Jacob from the CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge Team

Created by Jacob Roberts Jacoberts
@v.chung Thank you for your answer and your guidance. We did as you suggested, that is we pushed one of the docker image to the chosen project i.e. syn21827452. Thks and take care! Elsa
Thank you for the notice, @vladimir.kovacevic! I made a couple updates; are you able to submit your writeup now? Let us know! Verena
@v.chung in the Submit writeup section, I'm getting "Please register to make a submission." on the button instead of "submit abstract". I'm logged in to synapse as usual. Do you maybe know why I cannot submit the writeup? Thanks!
Dear @CTDsquaredBeatAMLDREAMChallengeParticipants , [Here]( is the survey. Please complete, one per team / challenger, by next Tuesday May 19! Best, Jacob from the CTD^2^ BeatAML DREAM Challenge Team
@SanghoonLee , Your question has been answered in another post [here](!Synapse:syn20940518/discussion/threadId=6990&replyId=22379). @ElsaB , Because only one successful submission is allowed for the writeup, please submit a single Project. You may choose whichever project to submit (remember to submit as a team!), then I'd suggest pushing the other Docker image into the chosen project. That way, we will have access to both Docker models from your writeup submission. Thank you both! Verena
Hi @Jacoberts, Thank you for your message and the details. Our team CompOnc submitted our final submissions for SC1 and SC2 from two different synapse projects, own by two different "Administrator" of the team. Should we write two write-ups from those two projects, or would you like us to have only one write-up for both SCs in a single synapse project? Thank you! Elsa
hi, @Jacoberts We have already submitted a writeup, can we revise it again? thanks sanghoon

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