We have tried two submissions to the leaderboard (submission ID 9697790, submission ID 9697791).
However, an error message was sent back saying " Confidence values are not between 0 and 1". As we double-checked, our predictions are all within the range [0,1] (inclusive).
We are not sure what went wrong, could you please help us check it?
Thank you.
Created by Di He DiHe Great! Thank you very much. Dear @DiHe ,
Thank you for participating! The scoring harness has been updated and I have reset those submissions. You should be receiving the notifications shortly.
Verena Thanks! I tested this locally and I think it is just a small bug in our validation code. We'll push a fix to the scoring harness and post here when the issue is resolved. Thanks for catching this! Hi Robert,
Shared. Thank you very much. Hi there,
Could you navigate to your prediction file and click File Tools --> File Sharing settings and share it with me? I'll take a look to see if it is an issue with your file, or if it's something on our end that's inadvertently triggering a validation error.